korean dramas 2017

best korean drama in 2017

Undeniably, Best Korean Dramas in 2017  becomes one of the entertainment centers in this world despite the Hollywood. Indeed, its fame and popularity is still under Hollywood, particularly talking about the movies and music. However, Korean entertainment is indeed an alternative for you who look for another kind of entertainment beside Hollywood. Interestingly, the quality of acting, videography, and storyline is not only served in the big screen movies, there is also Korean drama that is very famous for its qualified story, actor’s ability and credibility, setting, and even soundtracks. If you think that Korean dramas refer to those soap operas that are only focused on romance and tears, you are wrong then. The genres of Korean dramas are very various, starting from the real romance drama to thriller, horror, and actions. The settings are also in a large variety. There are teenage dramas with school as the setting, medical drama, detective drama and the others. If you look for Korean dramas with best reels and acting reel in this 2017, here are the recommendations.

korean drama

Man to Man

The drama series Man to Man tells about a popular actor in Korea, Woon Gwang (Park Sung Woong) along with a secret agent named Sul Woo (Park Hae Jin) with special investigative rights. Sul Woo is disguised himself as the private bodyguard of Woon Gwang. The main reason why he is doing so is to solve the case. It is so fascinating to follow the story in which the audience will feel both thrilling but also curious, this is why it become on of the Best Korean Dramas in 2017


Chicago typewriter

Chicago Typewriter

This drama series is about an author who was living during the Japan colonial in 1930. Then, he is reincarnated into a best seller author in this 2017. However, his success has been decreased currently. The author is named Han Se Joo (Yoo Ah In). Despite his job as an author, he also becomes a ghost writer and a hater of best seller book.



korean drama

secret romance

My Secret Romance

For you the lovers of common romance soap opera but with another typical nuance, this will be the best answer. This drama is about Jin Wook (Sung Hoon). He is a son of a rich family with cold characteristic who often plays with the girls. His hobby in the spare time is going to a club and party. His family runs a giant company in South Korea. Meanwhile, there is a 25 year-old woman named Yumi Lee (Song JI Eun) that has not yet married. Both are accidentally met without Yumi acknowledging Jin Wook true identity. After separating for three years, they met in a canteen of company. Will they continue their relationship?


korean drama

The Voice


Voice is considered as the best Korean drama in 2017. The series is about a popular detective named Jin Hyuk (Jang Hyuk) who often solves many big cases. However, since his wife is murdered by a serial killer, his life becomes suddenly broken down. Now, his life is full of guilty and revenge as well as he really wants to find out the killer.


These are the most viewed Best Korean Dramas in 2017, our film production have reviewed the movies and considered that these are the most favorites movies in 2017.