Cinematography and Videography will be very closely termed that will continues develop in internet technology where more and more people will be segregated in to their physical existence. unlike during pre 20th century where most of the people have their specific timings for movies and large group viewers can be identified to focus prime time viewers, these internet era with Artificial Intelligence is now specific obtaining your data on your day to day activities using internet and social media to focus on Video marketing activities. without going further, lets focus on the cinematography and videography.

Videography is a way or an art of describing what you see, in practical day to day meaning is the process or the art of reproducing an event in an image or series of images which can be seen as moving image or movies.  The process includes recording event or series of event by camera images, or any other means such as manually drawn for animating it  for video, then combining it, editing it and adding some other resources which may be audio, music or text and animation to generate complete movies and storing it in the media either memory device, electronic storage for transmitting it in a display.

 Cinematography historical versus practical

Historically cinematography consist of combination of two Greek words, cinema means motion and graphy which means record or commonly known as an art or recording images in motion, however these terminology is more popular as motion picture photography. And as scholarly article its commonly known as an art or science of motion picture photography by the following means; recording image, radiation, lights either through image sensor or electronic means or in older generation by chemical reaction such as film photography that create influence to the audience.

The element of cinematography consist of various element, as Joseph Mascelli documented in early 70s, majority is still in use where commonly known as 5 Cs:

  1. Camera Angle: this always been important factor whether you are in movies business or any other perspective, make sure you are taking the right angle to make sure the subject is clear, either objective, subjective or point of view.
  2. Continuity: definitely the sequence of event will take the viewer to the direction of the scene or films.
  3. Cutting: the cutting element is always focus into the subject to enable cutting on action, where to start and where to end.
  4. Close-Ups: Another focus on the subject have to use closeup element to highlight the event or subject.
  5. Composition: one composition either from colour or places can make dramatic result

Finally although it is not part of the 5 C’s there are other important C element which is

Content : where you want to make sure that the content is clear and relevant so that the viewer is not distracted with any other content.

Colour: finally colour will make the ingredient of cinematography sucess


Videography and production stages

The complete activities of videography in our production house includes pre production, production and post production video processes has been internationally accepted by TV  industries and TV Commercial as it becomes broad in early 2000 where the internet is being popular and cinematography and videography become common terminology used.  In comparisons with early 20th century where during 70s the Television were commonly displayed in black and white the videography was one of the common word in Movies industry. In the Internet Technology era, the videography is more well known for work outside commercial motion picture.